Own devices

Add your own devices such as cell phone, telephone or fax machine to your Blacktel for free

Own devices

You can add your own devices for free such as your cell phone, telephone or fax machine to your Blacktel. Use your own phone numbers for outgoing text, calls and to send fax documents. This is a clever way to add your own phone numbers and devices to your Blacktel and use them from anywhere in the world.

Free of charge

You can add and manage as many of your own devices as you want free and easily in your Blacktel. They can be used instantly for outgoing calls and text messages.

No risk

Your own devices stay with your provider! These are not "ported" to us. Your own devices run continue normally with your operator. He doesn't even notice that you are now using it in your Blacktel.

Outgoing only

Added devices can only be used for outgoing text messages, calls or faxes. They can not receive incoming text or calls, for this you need a virtual phone number in your Blacktel.

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You need some business solution for your phone numbers, text and calls? Try VERIFYR.COM now!

Please enter in international format like: 4916094785123

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